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Facial Liposuction in Virginia Beach

Facial Liposuction in Virginia BeachOur natural facial shape is largely out of our control. If you have a fuller face, jawline or neck that causes you to look older or heavier than you really are, you can probably thank your genetics or the natural effects of the aging process. Unfortunately fat in these areas is also notoriously resistant to diet and exercise efforts.

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Kevin Bounds can safely and precisely remove stubborn facial fat using liposuction. In the hands of an experienced, skilled plastic surgeon, liposuction can create a sleek, slender facial profile and more refined contours.

Can You Benefit From Facial Liposuction?

You could benefit from facial liposuction if you are bothered by stubborn fatty tissue on your neck or under your chin (known as the “submental” area). Liposuction can help contour a sagging jawline or eliminate a double chin. For the best results, your skin should have some firmness and elasticity so it can retract over the smaller surface area after the fat is removed.

When evaluating you for facial liposuction, Dr. Bounds will inquire about your health and medical history. You should be in good general health. Dr. Bounds suggests achieving your target weight range before undergoing facial liposuction, as gaining or losing a significant amount of weight after liposuction could affect your ultimate outcomes.

Facial Liposuction Treatment Details

Facial Liposuction in Virginia BeachFacial liposuction is usually a fairly straightforward and quick procedure if performed as a standalone procedure. Some patients elect to combine facial liposuction with other facial rejuvenation procedures, which adds to the total treatment time and creates a more dramatic transformation.

During liposuction, Dr. Bounds creates several small openings in the skin and inserts a thin, hollow tube called a cannula through the openings. Moving the cannula back and forth, Dr. Bounds carefully breaks up the unwanted fat. Then, he extracts the fat through the cannula. This can be done with general or local anesthesia for complete patient comfort.

The surgical details for facial liposuction, including the location of the access points for the cannula, depend on the areas of the face being treated. The two of you will develop a treatment plan during your initial consultation so you know exactly what to expect.

Recovering From Facial Liposuction

Recovering from facial liposuction varies patient to patient. Your recovery process depends on factors such as your health and the extent of your treatment. Facial liposuction performed as a standalone procedure has a faster recovery timeframe than when it is combined with other procedures.

In general, expect to recover at home for about a week before resuming work. A compression garment will be placed over the treated area to minimize swelling. You may have some burning, itching or mild discomfort at the incision site, but these aftereffects should subside quickly.


Can I combine facial liposuction with other face procedures?

double chin reduction with liposuction in Virginia BeachYes, facial liposuction is often combined with other face procedures, including facelift, neck lift, brow lift, or eyelid surgery. These options address loose skin, drooping brows or eyelids, wrinkles, vertical neck bands, and other cosmetic concerns that affect people as they age.

Combining your facial liposuction or submental liposuction with another procedure provides more dramatic results and streamlines your recovery. There are additional benefits to having multiple plastic surgeries simultaneously, including fewer anesthesia risks with a one-time procedure and less time off from work. Addressing multiple issues at once, such as a double chin, muddled jawline, loose skin, and deep furrows, can help you achieve your cosmetic goals faster.

How can I get rid of my double chin?

Facial liposuction permanently removes fat from the face, submental region (under the chin), and neck (though future weight gain may cause remaining fat cells to expand). This procedure is a safe and effective way to eliminate a double chin and may make you appear thinner with a more defined jawline and facial profile. Chin liposuction is best for patients with good skin elasticity. Men and women with loose skin or a “turkey neck” can benefit from double chin reduction with liposuction combined with neck lift surgery.

Will facial liposuction make me look younger?

While each patient is unique, removing fat from the lower face, chin, and neck can make one appear thinner and younger by improving the facial shape and profile. However, patients with loose skin or deep lines and wrinkles may require additional treatment to eliminate these signs of aging and take years off their appearance, such as facelift, neck lift, or blepharoplasty.

How will submental liposuction affect my neck?

For younger patients with good skin quality, submental liposuction typically provides a more sculpted neck appearance with improved neckline definition. Older patients may struggle with loose skin after the fat removal, and Dr. Bounds may recommend neck lift surgery to transform the neck and chin.

Can facial liposuction get rid of my “turkey gobbler”?

facial liposuction in Virginia BeachA “turkey gobbler,” or loose skin under the chin and along the neck, is an unfortunate side effect of aging. As you age, your body produces less collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid, causing thin, dry, and crepey skin that can’t snap back into place like in your youth. Facial liposuction will not eliminate a turkey gobbler neck appearance because the procedure focuses on fat removal and may even exacerbate the appearance of loose skin on the face and neck. During your consultation, Dr. Bounds will discuss your options for treating excess fat and loose skin on the face, chin, and neck. He will recommend the procedure(s) that can deliver a smoother, tighter, and slimmer face and neck.

How should I prepare for facial liposuction?

Dr. Bounds will give detailed instructions for preparing for facial liposuction. That may include avoiding certain medications and supplements for two weeks before your procedure, such as NSAIDs (aspirin, ibuprofen), blood thinners, omega-3 fatty acids, fish oil, etc. Do not smoke or drink during this time.

Complete the necessary lab testing and medical evaluation and fill your prescriptions before your facial liposuction procedure. Ask Dr. Bounds any questions you may have for the recovery process, so you know what to expect and understand the limitations, such as exercise restrictions.

Schedule a Consultation Today

For more information about refining your facial profile with liposuction, please request a consultation with Dr. Bounds. Call or email us today to schedule your visit.


  • Dr Bounds and his staff made all of my worries melt away. They helped me feel confident, not only with them but about myself. Each time I go in, it feels like going to see friends. Thank you Dr Bounds for giving me my MOUNDS. The size is perfect and they look and feel natural. I couldn’t have asked for a better result or doctor.-Trophy Wife

  • Dr. Bounds, is amazing he will keep you looking natural and enhance your own beauty.

  • Two months before my 50th bday I made my first appointment for Botox and filler with Dr.Bounds.I’d heard incredible feedback from a trusted & beautiful client of mine.His caring and professional staff make me feel like an old friend every time I come in.He is thorough in explaining procedures he can perform and the products he uses.Dr.Bounds shows amazing attention to detail& never forgets to ask how I’m doing as he works.I fear less the process of aging since finding Dr.Bounds & his staff.I love how natural I look…just a lot younger!

Plastic Surgery, Dr. Kevin Bounds, Plastic Surgery of Virginia Beach, VA