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Common Causes of Sagging Breasts, and What You Can Do to Improve Their Appearance

Sagging breasts are one of several changes a woman may experience over time. The breasts are made up of glandular, fatty, and connective tissue; there are no muscles in the breasts, leaving women with no way to naturally tighten this area of the body. Dr. Bounds understands that lifted, firm breasts are the desired aesthetic, which is why he offers customized breast surgery to help patients achieve this look. Below, learn more about factors that contribute to sagging breasts.


A major determining factor in whether breasts sag or not is the elasticity of the skin of the breast. Over time, breast tissue stretches and loses elasticity. This is why women may begin to notice changes in the fullness of their breasts as they get older.


In addition, the downward pull of gravity on the body can lead to sagging breasts. This may be especially noticeable in women with particularly large breasts.

Cigarette Use

Smoking has damaging effects on the entire body, but when it comes to sagging, cigarettes can be a significant factor. Smoking can affect the elastin that is present in the body, making it easier for skin to droop and sag.

Weight Gain

Weight gain is common at various points in a woman’s life, such as during pregnancy. However, weight gain can contribute to larger, heavier breasts. In cases of weight fluctuation, where weight is rapidly gained or lost, the skin of the breasts can stretch, leaving unsightly stretch marks that are often a source of insecurity.

Achieve Better Breasts with Surgery

Breast surgery at Plastic Surgery of Virginia Beach is the ideal solution for correcting sagging, pendulous breasts. Depending on your unique needs you may benefit from:

Breast lift: Breast lift surgery is performed to reshape the breasts while lifting them to a more desirable position on the chest. This surgery also results in a decrease in the size of the areola, which is the dark area of skin that surrounds the nipple.

Breast Reduction: For women who experience sagging due to their overly large breasts, reducing the volume of  the breast can dramatically improve their appearance. Excess breast tissue, skin, and fat are eliminated from the breasts, and a new, firmer breast shape is created in the process.

Breast Augmentation: In addition to addressing sagging, some patients may want to improve the size of their breasts as well. In these cases, breast augmentation can provide the desired result. This procedure is one of Dr. Bounds’ many specialties. During the procedure, implants are used to enhance breast volume for a fuller contour.

Schedule a Breast Surgery Consultation with Dr. Bounds

The team at Plastic Surgery of Virginia Beach is eager to help you reveal a beautiful new version of yourself. To help us determine which procedure is best for you, contact us today for a consultation.


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Plastic Surgery, Dr. Kevin Bounds, Plastic Surgery of Virginia Beach, VA