Childbirth is a defining experience in the life of a woman, a time when every emotion, dream and doubt takes on a special vividness. Most of these passions are intensely focused on the needs of baby and family; but soon there comes a moment when every mother begins to reflect on more personal concerns, including changes in her body’s shape, weight and profile.
Some women’s post-pregnancy breast anxieties center on issues of sagging, stretching and loss of skin integrity. However, trusted Virginia Beach plastic surgeon Dr. Kevin Bounds has found that this is not always true — many new mothers miss the “fuller” look of the breasts they experienced during the months of nursing their baby. In such cases, breast augmentation or breast lift can restore the feel, form and volume that breastfeeding created.
Northern Exposure
“Upper pole fullness” is the term doctors use to describe a fuller, rounded appearance for the upper hemisphere of the breast. Enhancing upper pole fullness can make breasts appear lifted; even as it creates the curves, contours and dramatic dimensions that are a perfect match for plunging necklines. Dr. Bounds is skilled in recreating this fashionable and natural feel with careful selection and precise placement of breast implants.
To achieve a successful result, a surgeon must consider the profile of the implant, measured as the ratio between an implant’s width and height. High-profile breast implants extend into the upper breast hemisphere, providing a foundation for greater fullness.
A surgeon must also consider a woman’s natural physique, breast base, chest breadth and even the distance between nipples. A shorter distance is preferred, but improved upper hemisphere fullness is still possible with breasts and nipples that are farther apart. Surgical technique is also key. Depending on the dimensions of the torso, implants may be placed in an elevated position, preferably under the chest muscle.
The Breast Lift Option
If a woman has significant sagging, breast augmentation may not be effective in building upper pole fullness. This is especially true if the nipple position is lower than the inframmammary crease at the base of the breast. In such cases, greater fullness and more attractive cleavage is best achieved with mastopexy, or breast lift.
The goal of breast lift is to reverse sagging and reclaim a natural shape by elevating the breasts on the chest. This more youthful positioning can actually produce the illusion of larger volume, even though the breasts may have slightly decreased in size during the procedure. By improving symmetry and returning low or downward-pointing nipples to a natural appearance, breast lift can greatly improve the breast profile, while creating upper hemisphere fullness that is based on projection and elevation, rather than size.
To learn more about breast surgery options, schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Bounds in his Virginia Beach office by calling or emailing today.